Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hamlet by Shakespeare

I have never read Hamlet before this class so I was quite excited to read it for the first time. I didn't read any of it until after I watched the movie in class and so as I was reading I picked up on some aspects of the film that were different than the play itself. As I was reading I would visualize the parts of the film that coincided with the section I was reading. With how little description there is in the text about what the set looks like, I was very interested in how the film producers decided to split different scenes. In the written version scenes tend to run into each other. One person will leave and another will enter to continue the story. One point that I really noticed this division was in act II. In the book Polonius informs the King and Queen that he believes Hamlet is mad because he loves Ophelia. After that Hamlet enters reading a book and Polonius begins to ask him what he is reading. In the movie these two scenes take place in different places though. So as I was reading it I was constantly comparing how the movie compared with the book. After reading the book, I was impressed with how well they did construct the film. I loved the movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the play as well. Realizing how much has to be assumed from the play and how many interpretations there can be made from the play I am interested in watching other versions of Hamlet to see how other films portray the play.

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